Bike Fitting

We are proud to bring you the only pedal analysis bike in Perth. Our pedal analysis fits allow for multiple points of data across all aspects of your pedal stroke over multiple different axis.



Full bike fit - $350 (3 hours)

Our full fit goes through a flexibility test looking at your bodies comfortable boundaries in order to improve on bike comfort, along with any tightness in the hips / hamstrings that may impinge aspect of the pedal stroke; all before we start looking at the bike with everything from the intermediate fit.


Intermediate bike fit - $250 (2 hours) (MOST POPULAR)

The intermediate fit will have your measurements taken on the 2D body analyser, measurements taken of your current bike and transferred to our pedal analysis bike looking at all aspects of your fit with the ability to adjust your position as you pedal along with cleat adjustments.    


Basic bike fit - $150 (1 hour)

A basic bike fit will have your measurements taken with the body analyser and set up transferred onto your bike with a manual set up done on your personal bike as you pedal on a trainer.